Extract Scene.pck with https://github.com/xmoeproject/SiglusExtract/tree/master/binary (requires game data - executable, Gameexe.dat, etc) Dump content text with: {{{#!python #!python import sys, struct fname = "" #suppress_print = True suppress_print = False def r4(f): return struct.unpack("> 0)&0xFF] array += [((r&0xFF00)>> 8)&0xFF] array = bytes(array).decode(encoding="utf-16-le", errors="ignore") #print(array) f.seek(was) return array for arg in sys.argv[1:]: table = [] code = [] if arg.endswith(".ss"): #print(f"dumping {arg}") fname = arg with open(arg, "rb") as f: f.seek(4) start = r4(f) end = start+r4(f) tablepos = r4(f) tablelen = r4(f) textoffset = r4(f) f.seek(tablepos) for i in range(tablelen): offset = r4(f) table += [[offset, r4(f), i, textoffset]] f.seek(start) while f.tell() < end: code += [r1(f)] for i in range(len(code)): if tuple(code[i:i+5]) == (0x02, 0x14, 0, 0, 0) and code[i+9] == 0x31: #print(" ".join([f"{x:02X}" for x in code[i:i+10]])) which = struct.unpack("